Broadcast: 15 December 2009
The first in our Ireland trilogy featuring WB Yeats, Seamus Heaney (it's the island of Ireland) and Sean O'Casey.
Yeats read by Chris Curran, Jim Morton, Arthur O'Sullivan and Sheila Manahan.
Argo, 1966

More importantly, this record has some great recordings of Yeats himself both speaking about his poems and reading them. These date from 1936 and 1937 and relate really well to what Eliot says about the value of hearing authors read their own works.
The Poems Of William Butler Yeats read by Williams Butler Yeats, Siobhan McKenna, and Micháel MacLiammóir.
Spoken Arts, undated
The Poet Speaks. Hugh MacDiarmid, Sydney Goodsir Smith, Norman MacCaig, Iain Crichton Smith, Austin Clarke, Louis MacNiece, Seamus Heaney
Argo, 1967
The Caedmon treasury of modern poets reading their own poetry
Caedmon, undated

This is in here for one reading by Robert Frost of
After Apple Picking. Heaney mentions it in the excerpt so I found two different recordings of Frost reading the poem and played them side by side. See below for the other version.
Robert Frost Reading His Own Poems On long playing records, RECORD 2.
National Council Of The Teachers Of English, Illinois, 1944 (10")
Sean O'Casey volume 1, reading from
Juno and The Paycock, Pictures In The Hallway, Inishfallen, Fare Thee Well.
Caedmon, 1952

On the label is printed: "Recorded at his home in Totnes, Devon on November 12, 1952" which is exactly the sort of information I love to find since it locates the act of recording and the events recorded specifically in time and space.
The excerpt played is "The Death of Mrs Casside" from
Inishfallen, Fare Thee Well.
Murder In The Cathedral TS Eliot
Caedmon, no date

The second of four installments. Incredibly detailed and subtle atmospheres and sound design in this great box-set.