A story from the pen of Ursula Le Guin read by the author, the dulcet and infinitely reassuring tones of Peter Jones as the Book in the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, and a comprehensive account of the theory or relativity by Dr Edward Teller - easy reading for your ears!
Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams

I have loved the work of Douglas Adams since I watched the very first episode of the BBC TV production of Hitchhikers Guide as a small boy. Peter Jones' voice is one those very special voices that send a tingle up the spine when I hear them. I wish I could play more of this.
The Size And Nature Of The Universe. Relativity Dr. Edward Teller
Spoken Arts/General Dynamics Corporation, New York, c1957

This time we hear all about Relativity. If you're not interested in Relativity then marvel in the germanic accent that Dr Teller rolls around his tongue. Informative and entertaining! Notably this record was also directed by the fabled Arthur Luce Klein who was responsible for most of the Spoken Arts recordings, many of which we have played on the show.
Gwilan's Harp and Intracon read by the author Ursula K. Le Guin
Caedmon, 1977

Here's an author I'm not that familiar with, but since finding this record in a junk shop in Portland round the corner from Matty and Kimberley's place, I will be looking out for some of her novels. The sleeve notes to this record are priceless and written with true wit and style. I will try to scan them or get a good quality photo and will post them here at some point soon.