The author of Brave New World, The Perennial Philosophy, The Doors of Perception, The Devils of Loudon and more delivers a superb lecture to an audience at Los Alamos laboratories, effortlessly drawing on art, science and mysticism to express his ideas with tremendous eloquence.
Speaking Personally... Aldous Huxley
Lansdowne, 1975

Here's a short extract from this wonderfully recorded album released on Lansdowne as a taster of Huxley's voice and engaging charm as a speaker.
Aldous Huxley, Visionary Experience
A series of talks on The Human Situation, Recorded Live from The Lecture Hall
Volume Two.
Laura Archera Huxley/ Gifford Associates, undated but suggested as 1969.

This is the entire lecture. Check out the back of the sleeve for his notes for this lecture.