Wednesday, September 8, 2010

28. Spring

Broadcast on 23rd March 2010.
To celebrate the changing seasons I have put together a show about Spring, although my methodology is a little suspect since I have mainly gone through a stack of poetry records and looked for poems with the word Spring in the title.

Most of these items are from the following records:
Birds and Other Sounds of the Countryside Recorded and Produced by Eric Simms.
BBC Sound Effects No. 17
BBC Records, 1977
BBC 17

Victorian Poetry read by Max Adrian, Claire Bloom and Alan Howard.
Caedmon, 1971
Victorian Poetry

the poetry of Blake read by Ralph Richardson.
Caedmon, 1958
Poetry of Blake

plus a couple from:
Alec Guinness, A Personal Choice
RCA Victor, 1965
Alec Guinness

Lambs and rooks.

Ogden Nash Reads Ogden Nash.
Caedmon, 1953
Ogden Nash

Dante Gabriel Rosetti

William Blake

Gerard Manley Hopkins

Lowland broadleaved woodlands

e.e.cummings spring

Alec Guinness Springtime

Blackbirds and Sparrows

e.e.cummings when faces called flowers read by the author

e.e.cummings when faces called flowers read by the Alec Guinness

Gerard Manley Hopkins The Windhover
Lowland Broadleaved Woodlands.
Frogs and toads.

T.S.Eliot reads The Wasteland.
The Wasteland

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