The second in our Ireland trilogy starts with some Irish language and then settles down by the fireside to listen to the shanachees.
Gael Linn
Argo, 1966
Micháel MacLiammóir introducing Ireland's Poets, Wits and Revolutionaries in an entertainment I Must Be Talking to my Friends.
Argo, 1966
Irreverent stuff from MacLiammóir.
Stories From The Fireside told by Éamon Kelly
Argo, 1967
Two stories from this record with more to come in future episodes: The Gobaun Saor and The Long Night.
The Poems Of William Butler Yeats read by Williams Butler Yeats, Siobhan McKenna, and Micháel MacLiammóir.
Spoken Arts, undated
MacLiammóir reading Yeats' The Wild Swans At Coole.
Murder In The Cathedral TS Eliot
Caedmon, no date
The third of four installments. Incredibly detailed and subtle atmospheres and sound design in this great box-set.
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